Our company mentioned in the imprint operates the virtual shop "".
Heiligenstädterstr. 31
Staircase 1, Top 702
A-1190 Vienna
Phone: 0043-1-7969490
Customer service:
Monday - Thursday from 08h00 to 16h00 CET
Friday from 08h00 to 14h00 CET
Information, data information and complaints:
Company Register Number: FN112706w
Commercial register court: Commercial Court Vienna
VAT No.: ATU68018959
Chamber membership, member of the WKO: Landesgremium Handelsgewerbe und Handelsagenten, Fachgruppe Wien der Freizeitbetriebe
CEO: Ariane Frank-Meulenbelt
Address of the management: see above address, 1190 Vienna
Media owner, publisher and editor: Alfred Ostermann GmbH, 1190 Wien
Legal and trade regulations: Trade regulations (
Business name: Ticketing
Supervisory authority according to ECG: BH 1030 Vienna
Job title/object of the company: Ticketing, Austria
Voluntary code of conduct:
Disclosure in accordance with § 25 of the Austrian Media Act: this Website is owned by Alfred Ostermann GesmbH. The Website is designed to provide information on the business activities of Alfred Ostermann GesmbH. Its content is intended exclusively for personal use, and the distribution or reproduction for purposes other than personal use is not permitted.
Pictures or images may not be published or distributed for commercial or other purposes without the advance express written permission of the copyright owner.
This Website was prepared with the greatest possible attention to detail. Nevertheless, Alfred Ostermann GesmbH. cannot guarantee that the content is accurate and free of error. Alfred Ostermann GesmbH. will not be held responsible for damages that may arise directly or indirectly from the use of this Website, to the extent that such damages are not the result of wrongful intent or gross negligence on the part of Alfred Ostermann GesmbH.

Secure shopping at
Our paymentsystem accepts payments by "Verified by VISA" and "Mastercard Securecode" at the highest security level - powered by Quenta Payments.
Alfred Ostermann GmbH
Heiligenstädterstr. 31
Staircase 1, Top 702
A-1190 Vienna
Phone: 0043-1-7969490
Customer service:
Monday - Thursday from 08h00 to 16h00 CET
Friday from 08h00 to 14h00 CET
Information, data information and complaints:
Company Register Number: FN112706w
Commercial register court: Commercial Court Vienna
VAT No.: ATU68018959
Chamber membership, member of the WKO: Landesgremium Handelsgewerbe und Handelsagenten, Fachgruppe Wien der Freizeitbetriebe
CEO: Ariane Frank-Meulenbelt
Address of the management: see above address, 1190 Vienna
Media owner, publisher and editor: Alfred Ostermann GmbH, 1190 Wien
Legal and trade regulations: Trade regulations (
Business name: Ticketing
Supervisory authority according to ECG: BH 1030 Vienna
Job title/object of the company: Ticketing, Austria
Voluntary code of conduct:
Copyright & Liability
Copyright: © Alfred Ostermann GesmbH., 2009.Disclosure in accordance with § 25 of the Austrian Media Act: this Website is owned by Alfred Ostermann GesmbH. The Website is designed to provide information on the business activities of Alfred Ostermann GesmbH. Its content is intended exclusively for personal use, and the distribution or reproduction for purposes other than personal use is not permitted.
Pictures or images may not be published or distributed for commercial or other purposes without the advance express written permission of the copyright owner.
This Website was prepared with the greatest possible attention to detail. Nevertheless, Alfred Ostermann GesmbH. cannot guarantee that the content is accurate and free of error. Alfred Ostermann GesmbH. will not be held responsible for damages that may arise directly or indirectly from the use of this Website, to the extent that such damages are not the result of wrongful intent or gross negligence on the part of Alfred Ostermann GesmbH.

Secure shopping at
Our paymentsystem accepts payments by "Verified by VISA" and "Mastercard Securecode" at the highest security level - powered by Quenta Payments.